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Algebra Made Easy, Issue #007 -- Get Your FREE Solving Equations Interactive E-book
March 02, 2010

Is it spring yet? After being snowed in for weeks on end here in Maryland, I am ready for spring! I did love the snow, but now I'm ready for warmth and sunshine!

However, I know that spring time can be a difficult time for students. As the weather gets warmer, you tend to want to study less. Plus, this is often the time for standardized testing, so the pressure is on!

In this issue, I am going to share some exciting news about a new product that I am developing and I'll talk about those wonderful standardized test that we all love!

Do You Need Help Studying Equations?

If you are studying equations, then I have the perfect opportunity for you!

I am about to release a new product and I am looking for feedback before its' release. I am looking for students, parents, teachers, home-schoolers and adult learners who are studying equations or having difficulty with equations.

I need people who are willing to use the product and give honest feedback!

You will download two e-books. One e-book is interactive and also contains video lessons. The second is a student workbook with a lot of practice problems, quizzes, tests, and answer keys.

If you are interested in this FREE resource, please click here to watch a short video that describes the program. Then complete the form and I will get back to you very shortly with download instructions.

As a thank you for your help, I will send you Algebra Class, Part A upon it's release FREE! Part A will include lessons on Solving Equations, Graphing Equations, Writing Equations, and Systems of Equations.

If you are having trouble with equations, I hope that you give this new product a try! I think you'll love it! Click here to find out more.

Quick Reference Guide - Inequalities

Have you received the Quick Reference Guides for Solving Equations, Graphing Equations,Writing Equations, and Systems of Equations? Click here if you missed them!

This month we are focusing on Inequalities! Inequalities are so much fun, because you get to use your knowledge of solving equations and graphing equations! It makes this unit a little easier since you have a lot of background knowledge.

The Quick Reference guide is in pdf format. Click here to access this month's Quick Reference Guide on Inequalities!

What's New on

I've finally finished most lessons for an Algebra 1 curriculum. I've finally been able to complete the Polynomials and Quadratic Equations units.

I've also started to add a few videos. Most of the videos that I've added have been for the polynomial lessons.

If you get a chance, check them out and let me know what you think!

It's often difficult knowing what is helpful and what's not, since I never get to speak to my readers face to face. So, feel free to contact me at any time and let me know what's working for you so that I can continue to build the site to fit your needs.

I am looking forward to adding more lessons geared towards Pre-Algebra and then eventually continue on into Algebra 2! This website will continue to grow, so check back often!

Preparing for Standardized Tests

March is typically the month that teachers and students start thinking about standardized tests. In many states, these tests can impact your graduation status. Therefore, it's very important that you take these tests seriously.

Here's what you can do to ensure success on these tests:

  • STUDY - Go back and review problems from all the units that you've studied this year. Create your own mini test by choosing problems from your homework or classwork assignments that you have the correct solution to. (You must be able to check your work.) Check out my article on math study tips for more tips on studying.

  • Make sure you eat a good breakfast and get a good night's sleep the night before.

  • Don't stress! Just do your best and use your test taking strategies! Use process of elimination if needed with multiple choice answers. You can almost always eliminate two of the four answers. I tell my students to complete the problems that are easiest for them first, and then come back to the harder questions. You don't want to run out of time and have problems unanswered that you could have easily solved!

  • Do Your Best! You should never have regrets if you've given it your all!

  • Best of luck to you this spring as you prepare and take these tests! Let me know if I can help.

    Wishing you the best success, Karin Hutchinson

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