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Algebra Made Easy, Issue #006 -- Your Questions Answered For FREE!
January 04, 2010

I hope that everyone had a Happy New Year! Our family finds the week between Christmas and New Years to be a great time to rest, reflect on the past year, and make resolutions for the new year!

Have you reflected on your school year? Whether you are a parent, student, or teacher, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • What have I done (academically) that I am proud of?

  • What areas can I make improvements?

  • What strategies can I put into place to make those improvements?

  • We all have something to be proud of! Maybe you've kept up with your homework, or maybe you've scored well on a few tests!

    And... there is always room for improvement! What can you do to improve areas that you need to work on? Maybe you need to maintain a neater math notebook, or study a little harder to earn better grades on tests! Whatever your weakness, you must try to outline a solution!

    New!! Algebra Forums!

    If you are having trouble outlining a solution - let us help!

    I've added a new feature to! We have a mini-forum set up for you to ASK Questions and receive ANSWERS for FREE!

    The forum home page is: Algebra Forums

    We have a section set up for everyone!

  • If you are a home-school teacher and having difficulties with the curriculum, a lesson, or just a general question - there is a forum for you!
  • We have another forum for parents of Algebra students! Don't know how to entice your child to do their homework? Not sure what questions you should address in your next conference? Other parents can help! Just Ask!

  • Are you an Adult learner? Need help with a particular concept? Or maybe you have an inspirational story to tell that will motivate all of us! Share your ideas here!

  • There's a forum for all of the hard-working teachers! This is a great place to share ideas and lessons!

  • We even have a forum for all the Algebra students! If you need help with any Algebra topics - this is the place to ask your question!

  •'s forums are the perfect place to find the answers you need! Let's all help and be helped!

    Click here for the Forum home page!

    Here's What You'll Find in This Issue

  • Systems of Equations Quick Reference Guide
  • What's New on Algebra
  • Survey for Homeschool Teachers

  • Quick Reference Guide - Systems of Equations!

    Have you received the Quick Reference Guides for Solving Equations, Graphing Equations, and Writing Equations? Click here if you missed them!

    This month we are focusing on Systems of Equations! This is the unit that brings the first three units (Solving Equations, Graphing Equations, and Writing Equations) together! You'll utilize all of your Algebra skills to complete this unit!

    The Quick Reference guide is in pdf format. Click here to access this month's Quick Reference Guide on Systems of Equations!

    What's New on

    After working hard since May of 2009, I am finally nearing the end of the Algebra Unit!

    I've started the Polynomials Unit and when that unit is complete, I will start the last unit on Quadratics!

    I've also been working on supplemental resources to round out your Algebra learning. If you find that you need help with Algebra, check out the following resources that are currently for sale!

  • Practice Problems and Tests on: Solving Equations, Graphing Equations, Writing Equations, and Systems of Equations!

  • If you would like to purchase all four units, I've also bundled them together for a special low price!

  • Click here to get the details on what's included in each e-book!

    Are You a Homeschool Teacher?

    Are you a homeschool teacher? If so, I would love to hear your opinions on your current Algebra or Math curriculum!

    I am thinking about developing a homeschool Algebra curriculum that will complement I would love to know what you like and don't like about your current curriculum!

    Click here to share your ideas!

    Thank you in advance for your help!

    Don't forget to check out the Algebra forums and other NEW additions to!

    Wising you a successful 2010!

    Karin Hutchinson

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