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Algebra Made Easy, Issue #005 -- Special Offer for YOU!
December 02, 2009

This school year is flying by! I can't believe we are almost at the mid-point of the year!

This is usually the time of year, where most students "take a break" and prepare for the second semester!

I hope that you've found success in your studies thus far, and if you haven't this is a great time to "catch up". If you are taking a two semester course, you will need to utilize all of the skills from the first half of the course in order to be successful with the second half of the course! Take time to review if you are not comfortable with the concepts!

As always, please feel free to contact me if you have a question or comment!

I wish you well in your Algebra studies!

All the best,


Here's What You'll Find in This Issue

  • Writing Equations Quick Reference Guide
  • What's New on Algebra
  • SPECIAL OFFER just for Newsletter subscribers!

  • Quick Reference Guide - Writing Equations!

    The last two issues of Algebra Made Easy focused on Quick Reference Guides for Solving Equations and Graphing Equations. Click here if you missed them!

    This month we are focusing on Writing Equations! This is an important skill, because in order to solve most real world problems, you must first write the equation! This is one of the units that most students have the most difficulty with because there are so many real applications involved!

    But.. keep in mind, that this is the reason why you are learning Algebra!

    The Quick Reference guide is in pdf format. Click here to access this month's Quick Reference Guide on Writing Equations!

    What's New on

    Although the holiday season is upon us, I continue to work hard in order to provide you with QUALITY resources that you can understand!

    I've been able to complete the Graphing Equations E-book and Writing Equations E-book! These are now up for sale! I decided to sell the two books together because the units complement each other so nicely! It just didn't make sense to sell one without the other! So, for $12 you get BOTH units, which is really a bargain!

    To see what's included in the Graphing and Writing Equations unit, click here!

    After MANY requests, I've also managed to put most of my website into one large PDF file!

    So many people tell me that they want to print whole units from my site, but waste so much paper because of the way the web page prints out. So, I've included every example from every Algebra 1 unit in my newest e-book titled, "Simple Steps to Success in Algebra".

    If you decide that it's easier to print out the material from the website, this may be a great option for you! I'm only asking for a $5 donation, to help keep this site alive! Click here to find out more about Simple Steps to Success in Algebra!"

    I am almost finished my fourth e-book on Solving Systems of Equations! I hope to have this e-book available by the end of next week, if not sooner! Check here in a few days if you need help with this unit!

    I hope that you find these resources useful! If you have suggestions for other resources, please let me know!


    For the month of December I am offering all Newsletter subscribers $2 off the price of one of the following 3 e-books: Solving Equations, Graphing and Writing Equations, or Systems of Equations (available soon)!

    That's only $10 per unit!

    Click on the unit above that you are interested in! When you add the book to the cart, use the DISCOUNT CODE: DECEMBER (in all caps)to get your $2 off coupon!

    Have a Safe and Happy Holiday!

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